Amazing News!
Unveiling 'Hyenas': The Costliest Video Game in Sega's History
Creative Assembly and Sega revealed last month that they had cancelled the shooter game, Hyenas, which we had previously compared to Payday and Apex Legends following a Gamescom demo. At the time, details about the cancellation were sparse, but now, Volound and VGC have shared further information, highlighting issues such as poor management, a poorly handled switch of game engine, a reluctance to take risks, and a general lack of direction. The report also reveals that Hyenas was Sega's most expensive game ever, even surpassing Shenmue, which was for a long time the most expensive game ever created. An anonymous developer noted:
"I should have mentioned earlier that Hyenas was Sega's largest budget game ever. Towards the end, Sega Japan representatives were practically living in the UK office, which has never happened in my time at CA. They would occasionally visit to check on a game's progress, but typically, they were hands-off."
Considering Shenmue cost $70 million to develop, if Hyenas was even more expensive, it could potentially be the most expensive video game shutdown in history.