Editor's Advice
Unlock Rare Treasure with Silent Chests in Diablo IV: A Comprehensive Guide
Silent Chests can be found scattered throughout the world of Diablo IV, and they contain rare, powerful loot. They are locked; however, so special keys are required to access them. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of how to open silent chests in Diablo IV, from acquiring the Whispering Key to finding and completing events to get Obols.
Acquire the Whispering Key
The Whispering Key is required to open Silent Chests and can be purchased from the merchant Lizveth in Kyovashad. You can find Lizveth in the city at the Purveyor of Curiosities shop. Whispering Keys are located at the bottom of her list of goods, and they cost 20 Obols each.
Accumulate Obols Currency
Obols is the currency used to purchase Whispering Keys from Lizveth. It can be acquired by completing Random Events located around the world map. These events will appear as small circles, and the recommended experience level for the event will be in the description. Approaching the event will activate it, and upon completion, you will receive Obols for your efforts.
Open The Chest
Once you have acquired the Whispering Key, you will be able to open the Silent Chest. The key is disposable, so it will be consumed as soon as you open the chest. Inside the chest, you will find above-average rare loot, including pieces of orange-quality equipment.
Silent Chests can be found all over the world map of Diablo IV, and they offer rewards such as rare orange-quality equipment. The Whispering Key is required to open them, which can be purchased from Lizveth in Kyovashad. To acquire the Obols currency to buy the key, you must complete Random Events scattered throughout the map. Once the chest is opened, the Whispering Key is consumed, and you can reap the rewards of your efforts.